
27th July 2024 Country Fayre Day

Open from 11am – 4pm – Free entry to view our records and Photographs.

From Midday – The New Romney Poetry Society invite you to join us in ‘POETS’ CORNER’ You can sit and listen to poems being read by members but please bring your own poems and read them to us.

Talk by Andrew Ashton titled “Kill or Cure” – 7pm Friday 25th October 2024

This takes a fun look at 200 years of popular remedies…. Quack Medicines and Cure Alls, their effectiveness and some of the highly dangerous ingredients often used. This is a fundraiser for the Old School and a light plated supper will be included.

More information on tickets to follow

Heritage Day – Saturday 7th December 2024

An Opportunity to browse some of the documents and items that are not always on show at the Old School and celebrate both the 50th Anniversary of the closure of the building as the local Primary School and the 25th Anniversary of the opening of the Old School as a community resource and heritage centre. Opening times to follow.